Sep 27, 2023 | ThriveMore Brands Summit

A Quick Look at Our 2023 Inaugural ThriveMore Summit 

At ThriveMore Brands, we are committed to success and recognize the immense value of continuous learning and professional development. Our home office, franchise partners, general managers, trainers, and studio staff just recently returned from our Inaugural ThriveMore Brands Summit in Nashville, TN. Both our beem® Light Sauna and RockBox Fitness networks gathered together for a value-stacked 2.5 days of engaging and impactful programming that equipped both studios with the tools and motivation to make an impact in their local community.

During our event, both networks participated in team-building exercises including a workout kickoff event in downtown Nashville! Our CEO, Roger Martin, discussed throughout the event how both brands can benefit from the brand synergies. As compliments to one another, each participant was able to catch a glimpse of the recovery aspect beem® specializes in with the addition of Cool Mint Towels at the end of the kickoff workout.  

We had the pleasure of hosting a renowned market disrupter aka. Coach Micheal Burt, author of the newly released book Flip The Switch. Coach Micheal Burt touched on the importance of our ability to pursue goals with such persistence and intensity that breaks the boundaries of the usual effort a person applies to everyday, mundane tasks. Coach Micheal Burt also briefed the network on the art of analysis and helped the network understand the primary drivers that play a key role in winning at virtually anything. Our studio staff members across the country left feeling empowered to apply their learnings from both his presentation and book to their prospective studios. 

Every year we wrap up our event with an Awards Night where we recognize the highest achievers in our network. Each milestone reached is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and passion of the individuals in our network. As we continue to grow our brands, it’s essential to reflect on our past successes and acknowledge and reward those who have played pivotal roles in them. As we gear up for our 2nd Inaugural ThriveMore Brands Summit in 2024, we eagerly anticipate another year of growth, collaboration, and celebration in the state of…

Make sure to check out our resources below! 

  • See Coach Micheal Burt’s Flip The Switch here.
  • Interested in becoming a part of our Network: click here.
  • Interested in franchising your brand? Click here.
  • Check out our CEO’s podcast here!